
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Who is healthy ...?

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ 

(सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)

"The person who has Doshas, Agni, Dhatus, and Malakriya in equilibrium and who has sound soul, sense and Mind, is described to be healthy."
- Aacharya Sushruta

So many authors, agencies and institutions have tried to give the definition of health. Earlier, health was defined as "absence of disease or discomfort." It was related only to Physiological state of the body. W.H.O. then came out with a broader definition incorporating both "Soma" & "Psyche" (Body & Mind) into it. But, then compare the above definition with it.

Not only psycho-somatic state, but even soul & sense have been included. The problem of the modern day physicians, the accumulation of waste materials or toxins in the body, has also been taken care of.

Apply the above yard-stick to test the health of the people, and to your surprise not even one will satisfy all the criteria of good health, enumerated in the above definition.

Then, think about the ancient Rishis, their wisdom, knowledge, deep insight into the human physiology and psychology, who could give us such a broad-based definition of health!!

This is more than a mere definition. It is a key to healthy living. To remain really healthy, we are asked to keep our three "doshas" (Vata, Pitta & Kaptha) into equilibrium by taking care of our diet and mode of living (life-style).

Preservation of "Agni" i.e. fire which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body. (Digestion, transformation, assimilation and even "excretion" the last part of metabolism). Mala-Kriya is the most important physiological aspect to be taken careof. During transformation, digestion, toxins or waste materials are produced in the body as a by-product. They are injurious to the body and hence must be expelled out at regular intervals (stool, urine, sweat, phlegm etc). Their retention in the body prepares the ground for external infections to have an upper hand over the host defense mechanism. Hence, excretory system should work at optimum efficiency to remain healthy.

The most important inclusions in the definition are those of soul, sense and mind. For psychic ailments, or diseases resulting as a corollary to anger, tension, mental stresses and strains, depression, Ayurveda prescribes an "Achar Samhita" - a drug-less approach-suggesting only change in mental attitude, Transcendental medication, forgive and forget, giving of alms, respecting elders etc are the factors which go a long way in improving our state of mind.

The patients suffering from hypertension, cardiac aliments, Diabetes and peptic ulcer, should be advised to follow this "Achar Samhita " along with the medical treatment and diet restriction, to have lasting benefits.

In an another opinion, Acharya Charaka says....

सममांसप्रमाणस्तु समसंहननो नरः |

दृढेन्द्रियो विकाराणां न बलेनाभिभूयते ||

क्षुत्पिपासातपसहः शीतव्यायामसंसहः|
समपक्ता समजरः सममांसचयो मतः ||

चरक संहिता सूत्रस्थान 21/18-19)
"According to Acharya Charaka,  A person is is healthy if he has a good proportional muscular compact body. Whose senses are strong and powerful, be it motor or sensory and can withstand any ailments, has ability to bear hunger, thirst, physical exercises and scorching sun and freezing cold. Has power to digest and assimilate food properly."

- Acharya Charaka

It is surprising how different acharyas have stated the definition of health by putting in detailed perspective thousands of years back. Now it is up to us to analyse if we are healthy, understand the situation and act accordingly in the interest of our health & happiness and improve our quality of life.

Now to stay healthy and happy, we need to change the way we eat, live, think and behave. In the next post we will share about the illness, post named "Who is Ill...?". Subscribe and stay tuned for updates...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Research Corner - KASIS BHASMA


Bhasmas are unique formulations belonging to Ayurveda a leading and popular traditional Indian system of medicine. This group of medicines can work even in smaller doses and may even control incurable diseases effectively.

Bhasmas essentially contain minerals and metals as integral part of formulations and are used after adopting proper purification process employing various purifying agents. Theses detoxification processes remove the toxic potentials from minerals and metals and impart a very high grade therapeutic efficacy.

In the present work Kasis Bhasma prepared from raw kasis which comes under Uprasa varga as per Rasa shastra literature, is taken up and studied from Standardization point of view. Kasisa Bhasma was selected for study as the preparative procedure of Kasisa Bhasma is described very briefly in some of the most valuable Rasa Gransthas for its effect on pandu roga. Niramlta is basic and important lakshan of kasis bhasma.

Kasis Bhasma was prepared as per standard classical methods. Chemically analyzed at various stages of purification and the final product. 


“Bhasma Kalpana” is a special procedure of preparing Ayurvedic medicine from metals and minerals. It involves four basic steps such as selection of acceptable form of metal (Grahya Rasa Dravya), its purification by Ayurvedic method (Shodhana), levigation (Bhavana) and generation (Maran or Puta). Step, i.e. Maran or Puta needs to be modified. Because the material mentioned for Maran, i.e. Puta and cow dung cakes, varies from place to place.Bhasmas are unique formulations belonging to Ayurveda a leading and popular traditional Indian system of medicine. This group of medicines can work even in smaller doses and may even control incurable diseases effectively.

Bhasmas essentially contain minerals and metals as integral part of formulations and are used after adopting proper purification process employing various purifying agents. Theses detoxification processes remove the toxic potentials from minerals and metals and impart a very high grade therapeutic efficacy.In the present work Kasis Bhasma prepared from raw kasis which comes under Uprasa varga as per Rasa shastra literature, is taken up and studied from Standardization point of view. Kasis Bhasma was selected for study as the preparative procedure of Kasis Bhasma is described very briefly in some of the most valuable Rasa Gransthas for its effect on pandu roga. Niramlta is basic and important lakshan of kasis bhasma. Kasis Bhasma is described very briefly in some of the most valuable Rasa Gransthas including Rasa Tarangini1 Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya3 and Ayurveda Prakasha6.

Aims and Objectives

  • Pharmaceutical preparation of of kasis bhasm. 
  • Standardization of kasis bhasm. 
  • Evolution of the kasis bhasm with Ayurveda and Morden perameters.

Materials and Methods

There are two types of Kasis:

“कासीसं बालुकधेकं पुष्पपुर्वमथापरम् “|| (R.R.S. 3/51)

In Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya (R.R.S. 3/52) Valu Kasis and Pushpa Kasis are named as two types.

“कासिसं त्रिविधं शुक्लं कृष्णं पितमिति प्रिये” || (Rasarnav 8/81)

Valuka Kasis is like sand, with greenish and slight yellowish colour, while the Pushpa Kasis is in small crystalline form with bright green colour. According to the reference, the Pushpa Kasis is of Grahya type and used for medicinal purpose. Hence, Pushpa Kasis is selected to prepare Kasis Bhasma.

Selection of Grahya Kasis :

  • It can be said that yellowish Kasis having bluish tinge and is lusterous, which is called Pushpa Kasis, is used for the medicinal purpose in human being.
  • Valuka Kasis which is obtained in natural form i.e. dust form is not used for the medicinal purpose.
  • Nowadays Kasis, which is sold in the market, is artificially prepared with iron and sulphuric acid. So if this way Kasis is prepared with poor quality of iron which reacts with sulphuric acid and then it also becomes poor in quality.

Shodhan of Kasis :

“काशिसं भृन्गनिरेण त्रिवारं भावितं शुचिः”|| (Rasamart 3/158)

For Bhavana method, it is described in Rasamrita 3/158 that in Kasis Shodhana Bhavana of Bhringaraja Swarasa is given thrice.

Material :

  • Ashudha kasis - 4kg
  • Bhrangraj swaras 
  • Kanji
  • Nimbu swarasa

Methods :

Practical no -1 : Kasis Shodhana (By Bhavita)


 “काशिसं भृन्गनिरेण त्रिवारं भावितं शुचिः”|| (Rasamart 3/158)

Material: Ashuddha Kasis, Bhringaraja Swarasa

Bhavana Vidhi (wet grinding)

Stone Khalva Yantra and pestle, spatula, tray, measuring glass.

 Accurately weighed Ashuddha Kasis 4 kg was taken in Khalva Yantra and prepared fine powder.

Every time fresh Bhringaraja Swarasa was used.

1 day
4 kg
1.2 litter
2 day
4.080 gram
1 litter
3 day
4.120 gram
800 ml


  • Total time taken: 3 day for 3 bhavna 
  • Weight of Ashuddha Kasis : 4 kg 
  • Quantity of Shuddha Kasis obtained : 4.120 kg 
  • Weight Gain : 120 gram

Kasis Maran :

“काञ्जिकेन तु विभाज्य सप्तधा शोष्येत्खगमिनांशुभिर्बुधः |

संपुटेच्च लघुना पुटेन तत् स्याद्धि भस्म खलु लोहितप्रभम् ||

समादायाथ तद्भस्म पेषयेन्निम्बुकद्रवैः |

चक्रिका: कारयित्वा च पुतेल्लघुपुटे पुन: ||

यावन्निरम्लं तद्भस्मं तावदेवं पुनः पुनः |

निम्बुकोत्थैः रसैवैधः पिष्ट्वा संशोष्य संपुटेत् !

सुश्लक्ष्णं जायते भस्म सर्वदोषविवर्जितम् ||

तत्साध्येषु विकारेषु वीत्शन्क: प्रयोजयेत्” ||

- (R.T. 21/255-58)

4.120 gram
1 st
               1.5 litter
4.135 gram
2 nd
1.2 litter
4.148 gram
3 rd
1 litter
4 th
800 ml
4.172 gram
5 th
600 ml
4.180 gram
6 th
500 ml
4.190 gram
7 th
500 ml

Bhavna of kanji with observation Results:

  • Total time taken: 7 day
  • Weight of shuddha Kasis : 4.120 kg
  • Quantity of Kasis obtained : 4.190 kg after drying
  • Weight gain : 70 grams
  • After drying the pellets, they were kept in Sharava and was covered with another Sharava and Sealed with the mud smeared cloth and was kept in sunlight for drying purpose. Thereafter, Sharava Samputa was subjected to Puta (10 cow dung cake weight of 18.5 kg). After being Swangasheeta it was taken out and opened carefully. Pellets were taken, weighed and made into fine powder.
  • In Rasa Tarangini, Kukkutaputa is advised for Kasis Bhasma. Size of Kukkutaputa should be equal to the size of cock, i.e. 35–45 cm in height and width, but the reference about the number of cow dung cakes is not available.

According to the reference from Rasa Tarangini, after the first Puta, lavigation of Kasis was done in Nimbu Swarasa (extract of Citrus acida).Similar procedure was repeated for 6 times. After each Puta, the obtained Bhasma was tested for no sourness (Niramlatva) which is the main test for Kasis Bhasma.

यावन्निरम्लंतदहस्म तावदेव पुनः पुनः | (र.त २१ / २५७)

Bhavana was given with Nimbu Swarasa for. Later Chakrika were prepared and kept under the sunlight to dry. After drying Chakrika were taken into Sharava Samputa and it was sealed with mud smeared cloth. 

Then it was allowed to completely drying then it was subjected to Putapaka (10 cow dung cake weight of 18.5 kg). After self-cooling, the Sharava Samputa was taken out and opened carefully. The material was collected, weighed and made into powder form. The same procedure of Bhavana and Putapaka was repeated six times.

Bhasma Pariksha

After four puta, completely sourless Kasis Bhasma was obtained. The obtained Bhasma was tested for Varitara, Apunarbhava, Niruttha, Rekha-purnatva Dantagre-kachkachabhav for the elemental assay of Fe in Kasis Bhasma, total ash, and acid-insoluble ash. 

Prepared Bhasma Pariksha:




Analytical test for kasis bhasma:

Sr. no
Loss on drying
Ash value
Acid insoluble ash
Qualitative test for Iron
Positive (58.37%)

Results and Observations

From the above observations, it becomes clear that, the kasis bhasma is standard on ancient Ayurveda parameters as well as Morden parameters.

The significant value is Ph 7.21(alkaline) this shows that this bhasma is Niramla which is standard parameter for kasis bhasma.

Discussion and Conclusions

  • The Shodhan method of Kasis mentioned in Rasamart 3/158 is suitable for Kasis.
  • The Marana method of kasis mentioned in (Ras Tarangani. 21/255-58) is used.
  • According to Rasamrita, three Bhavana of Bhringaraja Swarasa were given to 4 kg Kasis. In this process, it was observed that average 120 gm weight gain found in Bhavana method. Although it was accepted that after three Bhavana of Bhringaraja Swarasa would be obtained 4.120 kg. Bhavana of total 3liter of Bhringaraja Swarasa was given to Kasis.
  • Preparation of Kanji: Total 26 days were taken for the completion of the practical. 7.6 litter Kanji was obtained. Weight of residue was 2.2 kg. The prepared Kanji was highly acidic in value having pH of 3.6. The acidic media of Kanji and starch of rice may have a role in reducing toxicity of Kasis.
  • In the preparation of Kasis Bhasma 4.120 kg Shuddha Kasis was taken, it was given 7 Bhavana of Kanji and pellets were prepared after 7th Bhavana dried and kept in Sharava and subjected to Puta. After Puta Chakrika were obtained carefully from the Sharava and they were triturated and obtained material was given 2nd Bhavana of Nimbu Swarasa and pellets were formed and subjected to Puta.
  • After this the obtained material was given once again Bhavana of Nimbu Swarasa and Puta was given such total 6 Puta were given to the material.
  • After 7th Puta Kasis Bhasma was obtained which has passed all the classical parameters.
  • Average 1.750 Kasis Bhasma was obtained from 4.120 kg.
  • That means average 42.47 % Kasis Bhasma was obtained.
  • Evaluation on Classical Analytical Parameters: On organoleptic evaluation Kasis Bhasma showed red in colour, smooth with no perceptible coarse powder and no specific odour, and Bhasma having tasteless property. Touch indicates physical properties like smoothness, softness and fineness of the Bhasma. Specific colour of the Bhasma indicates the formation of particular metallic compounds because each chemical compounds processes particular colour.
  • By subjecting it to Bhasmikarana process the ferrous sulphate change to ferric or ferrous oxide which imparts red coloured to it. Here Kasis Bhasma passed all the classical, physico-chemical parameters. So Kasis Bhasma should be considered as properly prepared and quality Bhasma having classical standards.
  • Kasis Bhasma pH was found 7.21, which indicates Bhasma is Alkaline. Its Gatarasatva (Niramlatva) taste found positive. Physico-chemical tests of Kasis Bhasma reveals that Kasis Bhasma high ash value and very low loss on drying value, very minute loss on drying of the Bhasmas are indicative of presence of very little amount of moisture. Ash value indicates presence of inorganic contents of Bhasma. Very high total ash value of Kasis Bhasma are indicative of presence of very high inorganic content.
  • Total Iron Content: 58.37 % w/w was observed in Kasis Bhasma prepared as per reference of Rastarngini (21/255-257). It may be due to evaporation of water content from the Shuddha Kasis Churna during the synthesis of Kasis Bhasma as molecule Shuddha Kasis Churna contains 7H2O while Kasis Bhasma is only having ferric oxide and contains no H20 in it.


1. Sharma Sadananda. Adhyaya. 255-258. Vol. 22. Delhi-7: Motilal Banarasidas rakashan; 2000. ‘Rasatarangini’ by Pandit Kashiram Shastri; p. 568. Reprint.

2. Sharma Sadananda. Adhyaya. Vol. 22. Delhi-7: Motilal Banarasidas Prakashan; 2000. ‘Rasatarangini’ Comment by Pandit Kashiram Shastri; p. 568. Reprint, line 4th.

3. Vagbhatacharya . Adhyaya. 52-55. Vol. 3. New Delhi-2: Meharchand Lachhamandas Publications; 1998. ‘Rasa-ratna-samuchchaya’, with Hindi commentary by prof. D. A. Kulkarni, Vol. 1; p. 70. Preprint.

4. Sharma Sadananda. 255-258. Vol. 22. Delhi-7: Motilal Banarasidas Prakashan; 2000. ‘Rasatarangini’ by Pandit Kashiram Shastri; p. 568. Reprint.

5. Vagbhatacharya . Adhyaya. 47. Vol. 10. New Delhi-2: Meharchand Lachhamandas Publications; 1998. ‘Rasa-ratna-samuchchaya’, with Hindi commentary by prof. D. A. Kulkarni, Vol.1. Preprint.

6. Acharya Madhav. Adhyaya. 4th ed. 275. Vol. 2. Varanasi -1: Chaukhamba Bharati Academy; 1994. ‘Ayurveda Prakasha’ by Shri. Gulraj Sharma Mishra; p. 325.

7. Bhatta Gopalkrishna. Adhyaya. 2nd ed. 223. Vol. 1. Varanasi -1: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 1998. ‘Rasendra-sara-sangraha with Savimarsha Rasavidyaotini’, Hindi commentary by Dr. Indradev Tripathi; p. 56.

8. Shastri Vd. Bramhashankar. Suvarna Maran Vidhi. 8th ed. 5. Vol. 4. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2004. ‘Yogratnakara’ with Hindi commentary by Vd. Lakshmipati Shastri; p. 126.


 Dr. Sachin Chouhan
B.A.M.S., M.D. (Ras Shashtra & Bhaishajya Kalpana)

Has completed BAMS in year 2009 and has been practicing Ayurveda for past 7 years. He has also been a part of Legend's Clinic and research division. He had undergone training with Lt.Dr.R.V.Dave and remained as one of his favourite student. Since then the fire of practicing Ayurveda has been buring inside him. 

Dr. Sachin Chouhan has completed his M.D. in Rash Shashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana in 2016 from Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College & P.G.Institution, Indore (M.P.).

He has also published two books in 2014 for Ayurveda Compounder and Ayurveda Nursing Training. 

He has completed his Thesis on the "Kashish Bhasma & Faltrikadi Kwath" under the guidance of Dr.Akhilesh Shrivatava, M.D. (Ras Shashtra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Associate Professor, S.A.M.C. Indore.)