
Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Science of Self-Discipline: Mastering Hunger for Better Health

Note : The article is composed in such a way that it's both for readers pursing health and health care professionals. Use language translator on the top left corner to read this article in different languages.

The Science of Self-Discipline

Mastering Hunger for Better Health

By Dr.Karan Dave

In the pursuit of health and wellness, self-discipline reigns supreme. As a doctor, I've often witnessed the transformative power of mastering self-control, particularly when it comes to our relationship with food. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the intricate connection between self-discipline and hunger, offering insights and practical tips for both doctors and patients alike.

Understanding the Basics: The Role of Self-Control

At its core, self-discipline involves the ability to regulate one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in alignment with long-term goals. When it comes to health, this means making conscious choices that prioritize well-being over momentary gratification. However, achieving this level of self-mastery requires a fundamental understanding of our body's physiological cues – starting with hunger.

The Science Behind Hunger: A Complex Interplay

Hunger is more than just a rumbling stomach; it's a sophisticated interplay of hormonal signals and neural pathways orchestrated by our brain and gut. Ghrelin, often referred to as the "hunger hormone," stimulates appetite by signaling to the brain that it's time to eat. This hormone is primarily produced in the stomach and increases in response to fasting or low-calorie intake.

Conversely, leptin acts as the body's satiety hormone, signaling fullness and reducing appetite. Produced primarily by fat cells, leptin communicates with the brain to regulate energy balance and metabolism. However, in cases of obesity or leptin resistance, this signaling pathway may become dysregulated, leading to persistent feelings of hunger despite adequate food intake.

Mindful Eating: Listening to Your Body's Wisdom

In a world inundated with processed foods and oversized portions, mindful eating emerges as a powerful tool for reclaiming control over our hunger. By tuning into our body's cues and practicing present-moment awareness, we can distinguish between true hunger and emotional or environmental triggers. Moreover, mindful eating encourages us to savor each bite, fostering a deeper appreciation for the nourishment our food provides.

Nutrient Density: Fueling Your Body for Success

Not all calories are created equal, and our food choices play a pivotal role in shaping our health outcomes. Opting for nutrient-dense foods – those rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber – not only satisfies hunger but also supports overall vitality. Whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables should form the foundation of our diet, providing sustained energy and essential nutrients for cellular function and repair.

Meal Planning: The Key to Consistency

In the face of hectic schedules and tempting food environments, meal planning emerges as a strategic tool for maintaining dietary discipline. By preemptively selecting balanced meals and snacks, we preempt impulsive decisions driven by hunger or convenience. Moreover, meal planning allows for greater control over portion sizes and ingredient choices, empowering individuals to align their eating habits with their health goals.

Physical Activity: Amplifying the Benefits

While nutrition lays the foundation for optimal health, physical activity serves as its dynamic counterpart, amplifying the benefits of self-discipline. Regular exercise not only burns calories and builds strength but also regulates appetite and improves mood. Whether it's brisk walking, strength training, or yoga, finding enjoyable forms of movement is key to sustaining long-term commitment and reaping the rewards of a disciplined lifestyle.

Putting It All Together: A Recipe for Success

In conclusion, mastering self-discipline begins with mastering our hunger – understanding its underlying mechanisms, listening to our body's signals, and making informed choices that nourish rather than deplete. By embracing mindful eating, prioritizing nutrient-dense foods, planning meals ahead, and incorporating regular physical activity, we lay the groundwork for sustainable health and vitality.

As doctors and patients alike, let us embark on this journey towards greater self-discipline and well-being, supporting each other every step of the way. Together, we can cultivate habits that honor our bodies, nurture our minds, and empower us to live our best lives.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Dear Women,

As we commemorate International Women's Day, it's imperative to pause and celebrate the extraordinary essence of womanhood. Today, I want to take a moment to honor and recognize the myriad of roles you seamlessly navigate with grace and resilience.

From being a devoted daughter, loving wife, nurturing mother, trusted friend, dutiful daughter-in-law, to excelling in your professional endeavors – each role you embrace is a testament to your strength and compassion. You are the heart and soul of every aspect of life, weaving together the intricate fabric of our society with your unwavering dedication.

Amidst these roles lies the profound significance of being a homemaker. Often overlooked but undeniably indispensable, the role of a housewife forms the very foundation upon which families thrive. It's within the sanctity of the home that love blossoms, bonds strengthen, and generations are nurtured. Your role as a homemaker is not just about managing the household; it's about creating a haven of warmth and comfort where memories are cherished and dreams are nurtured.

Yet, amidst your selfless devotion to others, it's crucial to remember the paramount importance of prioritizing your own health. You are the linchpin of the family, the cornerstone upon which everything rests. When you prioritize your well-being, you're not just taking care of yourself; you're safeguarding the health and happiness of your loved ones. Your health is not just a personal endeavor but a collective responsibility, intertwined with the vitality of the entire family.

So, dear women, as we celebrate your multifaceted roles today, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. You are perfect in every way, and your resilience, kindness, and unwavering spirit inspire us all.

Here's to honoring your greatness and wishing you a future filled with health, happiness, and boundless possibilities.

With love and admiration,
Dr.Karan Dave

#InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay #HealthIsWealth #StayHealthy #HappyFuture #HealthcareHeroes #Homemakers

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Liver and Blood Pressure: A Closer Look

Note : The article is composed in such a way that it's both for readers pursing health and health care professionals. Use language translator on the top left corner to read this article in different languages.

The Liver and Blood Pressure: A Closer Look

By Dr.Karan Dave

The liver, the largest organ in the human body, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health, including regulating blood pressure. While the liver's influence on blood pressure may not be immediately apparent, understanding this connection is crucial for preventing and managing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

The Liver's Blood Pressure Balancing Act

The liver helps keep blood pressure in check through various mechanisms:

  • Sodium Balance: The liver regulates sodium levels by producing aldosterone, a hormone that controls sodium excretion by the kidneys. Too much sodium can raise blood pressure, and the liver plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy sodium balance.

  • Angiotensin Management: The liver is involved in the production and breakdown of angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor that can elevate blood pressure. The liver can regulate angiotensin II levels, influencing blood pressure control.

  • Nitric Oxide Production: Nitric oxide, a vasodilator, relaxes blood vessels, allowing for smooth blood flow and helping to lower blood pressure. The liver is a significant source of nitric oxide, contributing to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

  • Hepatic Blood Flow Regulation: The liver receives a substantial portion of the body's blood supply, and proper hepatic blood flow is essential for blood pressure stability. When hepatic blood flow is impaired, it can lead to increased peripheral resistance and elevated blood pressure.

Liver Dysfunction and Blood Pressure Issues

When the liver is not functioning properly, it can disrupt blood pressure regulation. Various liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and hepatitis, can impair the liver's ability to control blood pressure effectively.

  • Sodium Retention: Liver dysfunction can lead to sodium retention, as the liver's ability to excrete sodium is compromised. This excess sodium contributes to fluid retention and elevated blood pressure.

  • Angiotensin Imbalance: Liver diseases can disrupt angiotensin metabolism, leading to an imbalance between vasoconstricting and vasodilating factors, which can contribute to elevated blood pressure.

  • Reduced Nitric Oxide Production: Liver damage can impair nitric oxide production, diminishing its vasodilatory effects and potentially contributing to elevated blood pressure.

  • Portal Hypertension: Portal hypertension, a condition characterized by increased blood pressure in the portal vein, which supplies the liver, is a common complication of liver disease. Portal hypertension can further elevate blood pressure and lead to additional complications.

The Importance of Addressing Liver Health

The intricate connection between the liver and blood pressure underscores the importance of managing liver health as part of a comprehensive approach to blood pressure control.

  • Liver Disease Prevention: Preventing liver disease through lifestyle modifications, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure regulation.

  • Effective Liver Disease Management: Managing existing liver diseases is essential for preventing or reversing blood pressure irregularities associated with liver dysfunction. Medical interventions and lifestyle changes tailored to the specific liver disease can help restore normal blood pressure control.

  • Regular Blood Pressure Monitoring: Regular blood pressure monitoring is crucial for individuals with liver disease, as they are at an increased risk of developing hypertension. Early detection and management of blood pressure in these individuals can help prevent complications.

Prioritizing Liver Health for Blood Pressure Control

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is vital for overall cardiovascular health, and addressing liver health is an integral part of achieving this goal. By understanding the intricate connection between the liver and blood pressure, we can make informed decisions to prevent and manage hypertension, contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

My Recommendations To My Patients

As a doctor focusing on liver and heart diseases, my primary objective is to provide holistic care to patients grappling with high blood pressure and liver issues. When a patient presents with these concerns, my initial approach centers on guiding them towards lifestyle modifications that can profoundly impact their health. I stress the importance of adopting a pure vegetarian diet tailored to their needs, emphasizing the benefits of plant-based nutrition in managing both blood pressure and liver health.

Exercise is paramount in their treatment plan. I recommend a variety of physical activities, including strength training alongside cardiovascular exercises like cycling or swimming. Strength training not only aids in blood pressure management but also contributes to overall fitness and well-being.

In conjunction with lifestyle adjustments, I prescribe medications such as Hepalin Forte Tablets to support liver function and Normalin tablets to manage blood pressure effectively. Throughout the treatment process, patient education remains a priority, ensuring they comprehend the rationale behind each recommendation and empowering them to take proactive steps towards better health.

Lastly, it's essential to recognize the interconnectedness of the liver and heart, understanding that they are indeed "best friends" in the body's intricate system. By addressing both liver and heart health comprehensively, we can optimize overall well-being and quality of life for our patients. Additionally, patients are encouraged to follow my Instagram account for further guidance or clarification regarding their treatment plan or prescribed medications. This open line of communication fosters a supportive environment where patients feel empowered to actively participate in their health journey.


Educational and Informational Purposes Only - No Substitute for Professional Medical Advice.

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. The content contained within this blog post, referred to as "the blog," does not constitute a diagnosis, treatment recommendation, or any other form of medical advice.

Neither the author of the blog, the blog platform, nor the manufacturers of any products mentioned within the blog hold any liability for actions taken by any individual based on the information presented. This includes, but is not limited to, self-diagnosis, self-treatment, or the use of any medication or product without the express approval and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. 

Essential Points to Remember: Always Consult a Qualified Healthcare Professional: If you have any concerns about your health, including high blood pressure or liver problems, it is imperative to seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor, physician, or licensed practitioner. They are best equipped to diagnose your specific condition, recommend appropriate treatment options, and provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and medical history.

Self-Diagnosis and Self-Treatment are Dangerous: Attempting to diagnose or treat yourself based on information found online, including this blog, can be dangerous and potentially harmful. Only a qualified healthcare professional can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend a safe and effective treatment plan tailored to your specific situation.

Medications and Products Require Professional Supervision: The blog may mention medications or products related to high blood pressure or liver health. However, it is crucial to understand that these are not endorsements or recommendations for any specific individual. The use and appropriateness of any medication or product should be determined solely by a qualified healthcare professional based on your individual needs and a thorough assessment. Never use any medication or product without the express approval and supervision of your doctor.

Remember, Every Individual is Unique: The information presented in the blog may be helpful for general understanding, but it is important to remember that every individual is unique. Medical conditions, treatment options, and responses to medications can vary significantly from person to person. Always prioritize personalized advice from your healthcare professional over any general information found online.

By accessing and utilizing this information, you acknowledge and agree that it is provided solely for your general knowledge and does not constitute a replacement for professional medical advice. You further agree to hold the author of the blog, the blog platform, and the manufacturers of any products mentioned within the blog harmless from any liability associated with actions you take based on the information presented.

Please prioritize your health and well-being by consulting with a qualified healthcare professional for any medical concerns you may have.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Love & Wellness: The Healing Power of Relationships

A Very Happy Valentine's Day! 🌹

As we embrace the tender whispers of love on this enchanting day, let us delve into the captivating dance of affection and its magical impact on our health.

In the symphony of our hearts, the melody of love orchestrates a wondrous harmony, weaving threads of wellness into the very fabric of our being. Let us explore the tender caress of affection and how it nurtures our souls:

1. Elixir of Serenity

Within the sanctuary of love's embrace, the burdens of the world gently fade away, replaced by a tranquil serenity that soothes our weary spirits. With each beat of our hearts, we find solace in the warm embrace of a beloved partner, melting away the stresses of the day and leaving behind a tranquil oasis of peace.

2. Nourishment for the Soul

Like a gentle breeze that whispers through the trees, love breathes life into our souls, nourishing us with a deep sense of belonging and connection. In the tender gaze of our beloved, we find acceptance and understanding, a sanctuary where our true selves can flourish and bloom.

3. Radiant Health and Vitality

As we bask in the glow of love's radiant light, our bodies and minds are bathed in a luminous warmth that invigorates our very essence. With each tender kiss and loving touch, we feel the pulse of life coursing through our veins, rejuvenating us from within and bestowing upon us a radiant vitality that shines like the sun.

4. Boundless Joy and Laughter

In the embrace of love's tender embrace, laughter dances like sunlight upon the waves, filling our hearts with boundless joy and delight. With each shared moment of mirth and merriment, we forge bonds that are unbreakable, weaving a tapestry of happiness that brightens even the darkest of days.

5. Eternal Promise of Tomorrow

Together, hand in hand, we embark upon a journey that knows no end, a journey filled with infinite possibilities and boundless dreams. With love as our compass and passion as our guide, we traverse the landscape of life, knowing that our hearts are forever entwined in a timeless embrace.

My dear readers, as you celebrate this day of love with your cherished partner, may you be reminded of the profound gift that love bestows upon us. Embrace each other with tenderness and affection, for in the arms of your beloved, you will find the truest expression of health and happiness.

With all my love and deepest affection,

Dr.Karan K Dave
Not Just Your Doctor, but your Mentor and Friend in the journey of healing and wellness. 

Follow this blog for more content and follow on Instagram for instant updates.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hypertension in India : A Comprehensive Update



Hypertension, a pressing global health concern, continues to escalate in India, mirroring the global trend. While it used to predominantly affect individuals over 45 years a decade ago, the younger generation, now under 30, is experiencing its burden due to lifestyle changes, heightened stress, and para-pandemic complexities. Hypertension remains a leading cause of premature mortality worldwide. This article explores the latest research and data on hypertension in India and Kerala, shedding light on its prevalence, causes, and the importance of early detection and management.

Current Scenario

In 2001, India had approximately 11.82 crore people suffering from hypertension. Alarmingly, it was estimated that by 2025, this number would nearly double to 21.35 crores. This trajectory suggests an annual increase of 4% over 25 years. Presently, India is grappling with roughly 18 crores of hypertension cases, indicating the urgency of addressing this public health challenge.

Life Expectancy and Hypertension

In today's era, individuals have access to improved healthcare facilities, which has increased life expectancy. However, this also implies a higher risk of developing hypertension. The average person now lives up to 70 years and is prone to hypertension around the age of 50, underscoring the need for effective preventive measures and management.

Causative Factors

Hypertension is a complex condition influenced by various factors. Key risk factors include excessive salt, spicy, and high-fat diets, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use, obesity, family history, advanced age, and co-existing conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease. Moreover, an ambitious lifestyle and persistent stress contribute to the rising burden of hypertension.

Early Detection and Treatment

It's crucial to emphasize that hypertension should be treated as soon as it's detected. Even if it's diagnosed at age 70, timely intervention can significantly reduce the risk of cardiac complications. This underscores the importance of routine blood pressure monitoring, especially in the aging population.


Hypertension often accompanies other health conditions, such as dyslipidemia, renal disorders, liver disorders, and diabetes. The presence of diabetes further complicates the management of hypertension. Aggressive treatment with more potent medications for diabetes can inadvertently increase susceptibility to cardiac ailments stemming from hypertension. Hence, regular blood pressure checks are imperative for all diabetics, and when hypertension is identified, swift initiation of safe and effective antihypertensive therapy is necessary to avert future complications.

The Role of NORMALIN: An Ayurvedic Solution

In the battle against hypertension, NORMALIN, an Ayurvedic medication, has emerged as a promising solution. Unlike traditional allopathic medications, NORMALIN draws from the rich heritage of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural healing. This unique blend of natural ingredients has garnered recognition and endorsement from medical professionals not only in Kerala but throughout India.

NORMALIN is formulated with a precise combination of herbs and plant extracts known for their potential to manage hypertension effectively. It offers a holistic approach to hypertension management, targeting not only the symptoms but also the root causes. Ayurvedic therapies like NORMALIN are increasingly gaining prominence for their ability to provide lasting relief to patients without the side effects commonly associated with conventional medications.


Hypertension remains a pressing health issue in India, affecting individuals across age groups. Preventive measures, early detection, and aggressive management are pivotal in addressing this challenge. Ayurvedic solutions like NORMALIN are becoming a beacon of hope in the fight against hypertension, offering a natural, holistic approach to its management. Continued research and intervention efforts are essential to curb the alarming growth of this condition in India, particularly in regions like Kerala.


The information contained in the above blog post is provided solely for general informational purposes and does not constitute, in any way, legal or medical advice. It is essential to acknowledge the following legal disclaimers:

1. Consultation with Legal and Medical Professionals:
The information and content of this blog post should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Any individual seeking specific medical, legal, or therapeutic guidance should consult with qualified, licensed professionals in the respective fields.

2. Ayurvedic Remedies and Health Products:
This blog post discusses Ayurvedic remedies and products, such as NORMALIN, in the context of hypertension management. However, it is important to understand that the effectiveness and suitability of these remedies may vary based on an individual's health condition, medical history, and other factors. Ayurvedic remedies should be administered under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic practitioners or healthcare providers.

3. Medication and Treatment Decisions:
Hypertension is a medical condition that requires careful and consistent management. Individuals who are currently prescribed medication for hypertension or any other medical condition should not make any alterations to their treatment regimen without consulting their healthcare providers. Ayurvedic remedies can be explored, but they should be discussed with qualified ayurvedic medical professionals to ensure they are both safe and effective in a specific case.

4. Legal and Medical Updates:
This blog post is based on information available up to its publication date. However, both the legal and medical fields are dynamic and constantly evolving. New regulations, laws, medical research findings, and treatments may have emerged since the provided date. It is advisable to stay informed about the latest legal and medical developments relevant to your situation.

5. Individual Health Variation:
Individual health conditions can significantly vary due to factors such as age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and co-existing medical conditions. What may be effective for one individual might not be appropriate for another. Consequently, each person's health management should be personalized to their specific circumstances.

6. No Endorsement or Responsibility:
The mention of NORMALIN or any specific product or company within this blog post should not be interpreted as an endorsement, promotion, or recommendation. The accuracy and authenticity of the information contained herein have been obtained from publicly available sources on the internet. No responsibility or liability, legal or otherwise, is assumed by the product or company mentioned in the article for the content's accuracy or reliability. Any reliance on the information provided is at the reader's sole discretion and risk.

In summary, this blog post is meant for awareness and discussion purposes only. It is essential to prioritize personal health and well-being by consulting with medical and legal professionals for authoritative advice, guidance, and personalized treatment.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sharing My Experience With Elevate Tablets : Empowering Holistic Wellness

Greetings Readers,

I am delighted to share a significant aspect of my medical practice, one that has been an integral part of our clinic for more than three decades. It concerns an extraordinary Ayurvedic product known as Elevate Tablets - a therapeutic treasure that I've been prescribing to a diverse range of patients, transcending age, and addressing a multitude of health concerns.

A Legacy of Ayurvedic Wisdom, I have been fortunate to tread the path of a highly accomplished Ayurvedic healer, my revered grandfather, the late Dr. R. V. Dave. He passed on not just his name but a legacy of healing wisdom, and Elevate Tablets have been a constant presence in our clinic for over 30 years.

Elevate Tablets are akin to a versatile tool in Ayurveda. Their adaptability empowers me to customize treatments to cater to each patient's unique constitution and health requirements. Let's delve into the myriad ways I harness this incredible Ayurvedic formulation:

1. Alleviating Digestive Issues and Enhancing Nutrient Absorption: For patients grappling with indigestion or compromised nutrient absorption, Elevate Tablets offer invaluable support. The thoughtfully curated blend of herbs aids in digestion and amplifies nutrient assimilation.

2. Nurturing the Aging Body: During the golden years, our bodies demand special care. Elevate Tablets serve as a tonic for individuals aged 50 and above, facilitating the rejuvenation of aging dhatus (organs and systems). 

3. Strengthening the Nervous System for Mental Wellbeing: Mental health is paramount in today's fast-paced world. Elevate's constituents, including Ashwagandha and Jatamansi, fortify the nervous system, rendering it ideal for those seeking equilibrium in mental health.

4. Elevating Athletic Performance and Metabolism: Athletes and active individuals can reap the benefits of Elevate Tablets. They bolster physical and mental endurance, thereby enhancing overall performance and metabolism.

5. Prolonged Rasayana and Antioxidant Support: Elevate Tablets are a genuine treasure when it comes to Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapy. Their potent antioxidant properties shield the body from oxidative stress, rendering them suitable for extended usage.

6. Addressing Multisystem Conditions such as Diabetes: Elevate Tablets play a pivotal role in complex conditions like diabetes, where multiple systems are impacted. Their holistic approach complements the management of this intricate health challenge.

Safety and Efficacy Over Time 

What truly distinguishes Elevate Tablets is their exceptional safety record, even during prolonged usage it's not just what the marketing department of the company says, but the experience we have gained by using this product in our clinic for decades now. Ayurveda, as a holistic healing system, prioritizes not just symptom alleviation but the overall well-being of the individual. Elevate Tablets beautifully align with this ethos, promoting health and vitality.

Throughout my extensive practice, I've borne witness to numerous success stories where patients have experienced remarkable enhancements in their quality of life, courtesy of this Ayurvedic marvel.

If you've been on the quest for a holistic approach to health and well-being, Elevate Tablets might hold the key. However, it's imperative to remember that Ayurveda is profoundly personalized. Consultation with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner is essential to chart the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your distinct needs.

As I continue my odyssey in the realm of Ayurveda, I am honored to carry forward my grandfather's legacy, with Elevate Tablets forever occupying a special place in my practice and my heart.

I will be sharing more details about the product, the contents, actions and properties in my upcoming posts, so stay tuned for updates.

Here's to holistic health and well-being!

Warm regards, Yours Ayurvedically,

Dr.Karan Dave

Contact - 


Wellness Talk - Youtube


The following content is intended solely for informational purposes and is based on the personal experiences of Dr. Karan Dave, an Ayurvedic Physician, in the course of Dr. R V Dave Clinic's clinical practice. This content reflects anecdotal observations, opinions, and insights gathered over Dr. Karan Dave's years of professional experience as an Ayurvedic practitioner.

No Medical Advice: The information presented herein is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should not be construed as such. This content does not constitute the provision of medical services and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.

Individualized Treatment: Ayurvedic treatments, including the use of Elevate Tablets, are highly individualized and tailored to specific patient needs. What has worked in individual cases may not apply universally. Therefore, any decision to use Elevate Tablets or any other Ayurvedic treatment should be made after consultation with a qualified and licensed Ayurvedic practitioner.

Non-Guarantee: The experiences and observations shared in this content are not intended to guarantee any specific outcome, effect, or result. The effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments may vary depending on individual factors, medical history, and overall health condition.

Consultation is Essential: Prior to initiating any Ayurvedic treatment, including the use of Elevate Tablets, it is imperative to seek a comprehensive consultation with a qualified and licensed Ayurvedic practitioner. They can provide personalized guidance based on a thorough assessment of your specific health status and requirements.

No Responsibility: Dr. Karan Dave and Dr. R V Dave Clinic disclaim any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information presented herein. Any reliance on this content is at the reader's own risk.

Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency or the presence of severe health symptoms, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider. Ayurvedic treatments, including Elevate Tablets, are not intended for emergency situations.

Liability Limitation: Dr. Karan Dave, Ayurvedic Physician, and Dr. R V Dave Clinic shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use, interpretation, or misinterpretation of the information presented in this content.

Changes and Updates: The field of Ayurveda and healthcare is continually evolving. Information presented herein is based on knowledge available as of September 2023. It may no longer be current or applicable to future developments.

Copyright: This content, including all text, graphics, images, and other materials, is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without prior written permission from Dr. Karan Dave.

By accessing and reading this content, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to its terms and conditions. You further acknowledge that any use of the information presented herein is at your own discretion and risk.

For personalized healthcare advice and treatment, please consult Dr. Karan Dave, Ayurvedic Physician, or another qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional.

Dr. Karan Dave

Ayurvedic Physician

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Normalin & Hypertension

The number of cases of hypertension are rising by leaps and bounds all over the world and India isn’t an exception. The disease was more prevalent in the people above 45 years a decade back but, due to sedentary lifestyle, competition and Para-pandemic complications the younger generation is under a lot of stress and now the disease is prevalent in people under the age of 30 as well. Hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide.
Back in 2001 the total number of people suffering from hypertension was 11.82 crore in India, it was estimated that by 2025 the number will cross 21.35 crore almost double. This means in 25 years the increase will be at the rate of 4% every year. At present total number of people suffering from hypertension are approx 18 crores.
On an average a person lives for 70 years and is prone to Hypertension at the age of 50 years or above. In today’s era better medical facilities are easily available to everyone which increases the life expectancy of an individual resulting in more number of hypertensive patients.
The causative factors for hypertension can vary person to person. Some of the risk factors include excessive salt, spice and sour food consumption, a diet high in saturated fat and trans fats, low intake of fruits and vegetables, physical inactivity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, being overweight or obese, family history of hypertension, age over 65 years and co-existing diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease, ambitious nature, stress and strain in life etc.
Even if hypertension is detected at 70 it is never too late to start the treatment which in turn will reduce the risk of cardiac complications proportionately. It means hypertension MUST BE TREATED whenever detected.
Co-morbidities like, Dyslipidemia Renal Disorders, Live Disorders, Diabetes etc. may occur. Diabetes is a state of health, which increases the number of hypertensive patients. If they are treated aggressively with stronger and large quantity of drugs, they might become more susceptible to cardiac ailments – secondary to hypertension. All diabetic’s blood pressure should be checked as it is a non invasive clinical practice tool used to assess the cardiovascular events. If the reading is on the higher side, they should be put on safe and effective anti-hypertensive drugs straight away so that they do not face the complications in future.
Doctor, where will you find a weapon to fight this dreaded disease better than NORMALIN – It is tried, tested, trusted & proven Anti-Hypertensive therapy approved by the medical professionals in Kerala and other parts of the country with remarkable results and lasting relief to the patients.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Disadvantages of drinking cold water

Just imagine, that you come home in an afternoon and you are really very tired, your mom offers you water to drink, on the right hand side is warm water and on your left is ice chilled water. What will you prefer to drink ? Your decision will reflect how cautious you are about your health. Drinking warm water will always be a better for your health. 

Drinking cold water has following disadvantages :

Drinking ice water or cold water hampers the process of digestion as it causes your blood vessels to shrink. This can slow down the process of digestion and as a result the food is not digested properly and the nutrients are either lost or not absorbed by the body.

The body’s temperature is 37.C and when you drink something very cold, your body has to spend energy to regulate its temperature. This spent energy is otherwise used to digest food and absorb nutrients, thereby leaving your body short of nutrition.

Drinking cold water can buildup the respiratory mucus, which is a protective layer of the respiratory tract. When this layer gets congested, the respiratory tract is exposed and becomes vulnerable to various infections and hence the chances of your throat turning sore are high. 

Drinking ice water or cold water decreases your heart rate. Studies have shown that drinking ice water stimulates the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and is an important part of the body’s autonomous nervous system that controls involuntary actions of the body. The vagus nerve mediates the lowering of the heart rate and the low temperatures of ice cold water acts as a stimulus to the nerve which causes the heart rate to drop.

Drinking cold water leads to easier catching of cold and illness because it decreases the function of the immune system which is caused by the creation of excess mucus in the body.

Intake of cold water leads to indigestion, which in a result comes out as constipation. Which may further lead to other digestive problems and disorders.

Cold water builds up mucus on the inner layer of the throat and creates problem in breathing by freezing this mucus.

Cold water lacks the power of dissolving, so after drinking cold water, the process of digestion and assimilation is greatly affected, the fats in the food does not get emulsified and the acid in the stomach gets diluted and looses its characteristic and hence affects the digestion very badly. 

Cold water might provide you relief for a few moments but that is just temporary, for long run one must drink warm water. The next post will be advantages of drinking hot water, stay tuned and subscribe for updates, our android app is in beta phase and will be launched very soon. 

Disclaimer : The above post is a compilation of experiences of various doctors, abstracts found in various books, articles and information found on internet, and various sources. We do not guarantee that the information provided is full proof and evidence based. All the content of the posts provided here are for informational purposes only. The blog, blogger, editor, contributors or anyone else in relation to the blog are not responsible for any mis-happenings from the user/reader's side. The blogger/editor/contributors or any one else related to the blogs are not responsible or bound to give any kind of clarifications regarding any posts/content/pages or articles. You/reader/user should rely on your doctor's/physician's/dietitian's advice and treatment and should not consider the information provided here as solitary. In no event the Blogger/editor/contributors or any one else related to the blog are not responsible for any damage or clarification, to anyone, whatsoever directly or indirectly and are also not accountable on your reliance upon the information provided here. All the Legal disputes will be subjected to Indore Jurisdiction only.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Who is healthy ...?

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ 

(सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)

"The person who has Doshas, Agni, Dhatus, and Malakriya in equilibrium and who has sound soul, sense and Mind, is described to be healthy."
- Aacharya Sushruta

So many authors, agencies and institutions have tried to give the definition of health. Earlier, health was defined as "absence of disease or discomfort." It was related only to Physiological state of the body. W.H.O. then came out with a broader definition incorporating both "Soma" & "Psyche" (Body & Mind) into it. But, then compare the above definition with it.

Not only psycho-somatic state, but even soul & sense have been included. The problem of the modern day physicians, the accumulation of waste materials or toxins in the body, has also been taken care of.

Apply the above yard-stick to test the health of the people, and to your surprise not even one will satisfy all the criteria of good health, enumerated in the above definition.

Then, think about the ancient Rishis, their wisdom, knowledge, deep insight into the human physiology and psychology, who could give us such a broad-based definition of health!!

This is more than a mere definition. It is a key to healthy living. To remain really healthy, we are asked to keep our three "doshas" (Vata, Pitta & Kaptha) into equilibrium by taking care of our diet and mode of living (life-style).

Preservation of "Agni" i.e. fire which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body. (Digestion, transformation, assimilation and even "excretion" the last part of metabolism). Mala-Kriya is the most important physiological aspect to be taken careof. During transformation, digestion, toxins or waste materials are produced in the body as a by-product. They are injurious to the body and hence must be expelled out at regular intervals (stool, urine, sweat, phlegm etc). Their retention in the body prepares the ground for external infections to have an upper hand over the host defense mechanism. Hence, excretory system should work at optimum efficiency to remain healthy.

The most important inclusions in the definition are those of soul, sense and mind. For psychic ailments, or diseases resulting as a corollary to anger, tension, mental stresses and strains, depression, Ayurveda prescribes an "Achar Samhita" - a drug-less approach-suggesting only change in mental attitude, Transcendental medication, forgive and forget, giving of alms, respecting elders etc are the factors which go a long way in improving our state of mind.

The patients suffering from hypertension, cardiac aliments, Diabetes and peptic ulcer, should be advised to follow this "Achar Samhita " along with the medical treatment and diet restriction, to have lasting benefits.

In an another opinion, Acharya Charaka says....

सममांसप्रमाणस्तु समसंहननो नरः |

दृढेन्द्रियो विकाराणां न बलेनाभिभूयते ||

क्षुत्पिपासातपसहः शीतव्यायामसंसहः|
समपक्ता समजरः सममांसचयो मतः ||

चरक संहिता सूत्रस्थान 21/18-19)
"According to Acharya Charaka,  A person is is healthy if he has a good proportional muscular compact body. Whose senses are strong and powerful, be it motor or sensory and can withstand any ailments, has ability to bear hunger, thirst, physical exercises and scorching sun and freezing cold. Has power to digest and assimilate food properly."

- Acharya Charaka

It is surprising how different acharyas have stated the definition of health by putting in detailed perspective thousands of years back. Now it is up to us to analyse if we are healthy, understand the situation and act accordingly in the interest of our health & happiness and improve our quality of life.

Now to stay healthy and happy, we need to change the way we eat, live, think and behave. In the next post we will share about the illness, post named "Who is Ill...?". Subscribe and stay tuned for updates...